Bollywood has not been known to be kind to movies that are based on history. Very less producers have taken risks with history based subjects. Except for Mughal-e-Azam, there hasn’t be any history based movie that has been a hit in India. When they tried history with Ashoka, Shahrukh Khan had to almost renounce his “king” status. His production company lost a lot of money back to back in Phir Bhi Dil Hain Hindustani and Ashoka, and he played safe in his next production Chalte Chalte, which resurrected the Khan.
Similarly, Aamir Khan met with disappointment when he touched history with The Rising-Mangal Pandey. Though the subject itself had very less research matter, Aamir Khan tried his best but the movie did not work. Aashutosh Gowariker, one of the best talents in Bollywood is touching the not-so touchy topic “history” this time. Ashutosh delivered with Aamir Khan in Lagaan, scored with SRK in Swades and it remains to be seen if he can bring victory to Hrithik Roshan too with Jodhaa Akbar.
Jodhaa Akbar seems to be more romantic rather than action. It is a historical romance at best. As I said, sustaining the interest of people with history is a tough job and a risk. Heck, once upon a time, it was believed that comedies do not do well in Bollywood but now the trend is such that comedy is ruling the roost. Aashtuosh hasn’t let us down in two of his last movies. Let us see if Ashutosh Gowariker creates history with Jodhaa Akbar. Watch this space for more…
if you notice the promos on tv the akbar is seen striking a match stick and lighting a candle!
do you think match box was invented at that time?
Awesome Picture .. Suggest every one to see this movie you get a chance to see history & love story of akbar is pleasant ...
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