People in Bollywood are suing around. First it was the news of Ram Sampath suing Rakesh Roshan for lifting his track “Thump” for the movie Krazzy 4. Ram Sampath was right on his count and Rakesh Roshan was unfortunate because he had been informed by Sony Ericson through a letter that the track may be taken. Later when Ram sued Rakesh Roshan, Sony Ericsson stated that it was a mistake on their part. As a result, Rakesh Roshan had a hefty price to pay(read Rs.2 crores). Suing is fine but only when it matters, not for trivial reasons. Like the one where Celina Jaitly dropped a bombshell ofa news by stating one fine day that she wishes to sue Pooja Bedi for calling her delusional.
Everyone has a right to make a point. For that matter, both Pooja Bedi, Celina Jaitly and even the likes of Shahrukh Khan get thousands of blog posts with cuss words and accusatory statements, not to mention sleazy stuff that can make a monk jump from a mountain. But then, most stars take it in their stride because everyone has the right to speak their mind, and it is fine as long as it does not cause physical harm and emotional torture. Someone calling Celina Jaitley delusional does not qualify to be sued. If that was the case, all the stars would rather make money suing around rather than performing. If that was the case, then the likes of Sajid Khan who does not spare a star or actor, would have been broke by now. We hope Celina is not serious about suing because if she did, she would certainly appear de******** …. (let’s not get there; I don’t have enough money to be sued upon)
PS: Delusional(meaning erroneous belief) is a much lighter word than “idiot” or “stupid”, which means someone of subnormal intelligence. So if Pooja Bedi had called Celina Jailtley “stupid” or “idiot”, would the latter have sued her for Rs. 5 crores?
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