Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Diana Hayden says that she had faked it, in Bigg Boss 2

Diana Hayden has yesterday stated in the Big Boss Season 2 that she is a standard 8 drop out. Though the world knows her as a computer engineer, which Diana Hayden has claimed in Miss World competitions, Diana Hayden was honest enough to claim in Big Boss that she was a standard 8 drop out.

Full credit to Diana Hayden for being truthful in Bigg Boss. Also another highlight was when Alina was called to the Bigg Boss room. Alina lambasted all those who had nominated against her with the exception of Zulfi. Alina claimed that the nomination process was ‘bakwaas’ and people who had nominated her out had no valid reason to. Alina maintained that people with herd mentality walk together in groups like losers while the lion walks freely.


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