You may the richest producer around able to fish out potfuls of money but you will still not last because your money is still peanuts against what those cash rich multiplex companies like Adlbabs, Fun Cinemas or a PVR can generate.
Thanks to multiplex companies, producers do not have to wash the dirty linen with the underworld and ask for money from antisocial elements. Multiplex companies have a corporate format and they invest lots of money into production, marketing and promotion of a Bollywood movie.
Take the recent blockbuster Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na; it was financed, marketed and distributed by PVR adlabs while Love Story 2050 was done so by Fame Adlabs. Naturally, they reserved the best shows and offered merchandize and contests only for their films in their large distribution network of cinema chains across the country. The verdict is clear-you may be a rich or well-known producer but if you do not have the backing of a multiplex theatre or a multiplex company, you will not last too long.
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