Slumdog Millionaire is a bad film, an actor once said in a public platform. He had his reasons and most of them are not far from the truth. Slumdog Millionaire has won an ensemble of Oscars and it is a thing of pride for Bollywood’s best music director A.R.Rahman , lyricist Gulzaar and sound-mixer Resul Pookutty for having won home the glory But let us ask ourselves is is Slumdog Millionaire really a good movie from Bollywood standards? If yes, then how come Slumdog Millionaire has flopped or been rejected by Indian audiences?
Slumdog Millionaire is just another average wanna-be Bollywood film. We are not talking about the poverty aspect which was highlighted by Amitabh Bachchan. We are talking about the movie content purely, which is notches below the standard of what can be called quality film-making. Slumdog Milionaire has the same lost and found formula done to death by Indian film-makers. Haven’t we seen an street urchin becoming a ganglord, in the 70s Bollywood flicks?
What is Slumdog Millionaire trying to say? That it is okay to steal shoes from the Taj Mahal? Is this the message that the movie portrays to young children? Also, how comes Anil Kapoor who plays the quiz master so quietly sneak in Jamal(Dev) to the police? How come there is no uproar? How come the media is never interested? And why will the police unnecessarily grill the boy, give third degree treatment to a someone who has won public adulation and one crore rupees? Not only is the plot far-fetched, there are also clichés galore: Salim and Jamal are muslims, the other musketeer Lathika HAS to be from the other caste, otherwise the plot will not move ahead. When the two boys are separated from Lathika, she HAS to turn into a prostitute. The director is clearly going the clichéd way which has ever been experimented so many times by our Bollywood film-makers. Where is the creativity? If an Indian film-maker had the same film, I seriously doubt the critics would have given the film four or five stars.
Jamal grows up to be a ‘chai-wallah’ in a call center. But he answers questions in the ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ in the finest UK accent, akin to an MBA grad from UK? I have yet to see a chaiwallah from a call center who speaks such eloquent English. Let’s look at the performances. Anil Kapoor has clearly over-acted in his wanna-be Clint Eastwood accent. Praises and award nominations are being heaped on the dusky Freida Pinto who played Lathika in Slumdog Millionaire. But is it really an engrossing performance? Far from it. Looking above from the platform and giving a model pose does not call for an arresting performance. Her real test will lie when she gets to do performance driven roles.
A.R.Rahman has given far better music in his previous albums and one rues the fact that the Oscar fraternity completely ignored him for a much superior score in Lagaan. One can sense that the honor is primarily because of a white connection (read Danny Boyle). Though the plot is not really convincing, the treatment of Slumdog Millionaire and the screenplay is admittedly good enough. But that does not mean Bollywood has been bad in screenplays of late. Movies like Rang De Basanti, Dil Chahta Hai, Ghajini and even Gangster were also better if not equal in terms screenplay treatment. So there is nothing in Slumdog Millionaire to feel ‘wow’ about, at least to the people who have grown up on Bollywood films. Also let’s not forget that Slumdog Millionare is essentially an English film, the artistes and some of the crew is Indians.
Dyslexia is a major concern in the US, and the truth is the best movie on dyslexia in the world was made by an Indian- Taare Zameen Par. Isn’t it a shame that we are unnecessarily heaping praises on a mediocre film Slumdog Millionaire when a masterpiece like Taare Zameen Par was ignored by the Oscar jury. Let us be practical and assess the quality of movies with a sense of discern. Something which Indians actually did-Slumdog Millionaire is a flop in India.
nice review bro...i had the same thoughts when watched the movie..i feel like, this movie has some other purposes other than just making a movie on bombay slums... how come people rate oscar as the biggest of all when we all know that they do not judge impartially...its good in a way that a large number of foreigners come to know about our talented ones...don't you think its strange that so many big awards coming for SDM when an average viewer rate the movie B grade?...
thank ya...i wish if rahman sit wins the oscar...God bless him
I LOVED your write up. And I am going to take a copy of it and show it to ALL my friends. Below is something I have written as a comment on a few sites which had spoken about Aamir's honest take on Slumdog.
I agree with Aamir. And as an Indian myself I am not overwhelmed by the 8 Oscars. What a selective memory we Indians have. Have we forgotten about the 8 Oscars the story of one of the most admired Indian, we also call 'The Father of our Nation' has already won in 1982? 1982, the film 'Gandhi' won 8 Oscars. It may not have been made by an Indian, but nevertheless the story it said and the message it spread was that of an Indian who reflected the true spirit of India. Of Gandhi and the 8 Oscars it won - I am proud. Somewhere, Slumdog simply did not hit a core with me. And as Aamir says, its my personal opinion. So, I'm happy for the ones who have won but I hold to my opinion too. And I do not think the 'sour grapes' are a kind thing to say about Aamir. After having seen his work I think it is 'unfair'. Aamir may not have won Oscars, but he is an Oscar to many many people - Indians and foreigners. It takes courage to say what he has said and he's my hero. Its easier to join the band wagon and not point out the flaws so that it can be improved upon. So there!
May I copy your write up and put it on my blog and Face Book - PLEASE :)
Thank you :) You write very well by the way. I shall look you up from time to time :) AND YES I will link your blog add wherever I paste what you've written. Thank you for writing it out so very well.
This is the link to my FaceBook note where I've pasted your write-up. Thank you.
Why are you so pissed off this movie?
I don't see any reason.
The reason why I am wherever I am today is determination, and many more can relate their success to it.
As for the accent, you just have to be willing and have the right kind of people around you to mimic their accent. And SIR, call centres have professional trainers for accent. A person working with them and having a penchant for learning can certainly learn it. How else do you think a student might learn from an Audio-Video Spoken-English CD??
Secondly, I agree its not ok to steal shoes, but its the way of life that a homeless kid grows with. The kid is shown to steal when no other option was left for him. He did try selling items in the train, did'nt he?
Thirdly, the way you go on PREDICTING the plot of the movie is ridiculous. "When the two boys are separated from Lathika, she HAS to turn into a prostitute". I mean, she could be something else, but doesn't this also come as an eye-opener for child-prostitution?
Everything in this movie has a reason. I know the starcast could be changed, but then this would be a different movie. You might probably want all 3 kids muslim, or just change the ratio someway.
The elder brother becomes a henchman(Not a GANGLORD please!!) shows how crime affects children at a young age: this is a reality now. Younger brother becomes chaiwallah: he's uneducated, of course you'll not make him your CEO! The girl ends up in a brothel, well, we know how high rising is prostitution in India. That's predictable.
I agree Anil Kapoor's accent was overdone. I also agree that TZP deserves better treatment than Slumdog. And I also support Amitabh Bachchan in his stance.
But, there were many good aspects to this movie too. It shows that anything can be achieved with great determination and willingness. It also says, you don't have to graduate from Harvard/IITs to make it big. If you tackle each of your life's difficulties, they might end up making you big. It also says, intelligence is not found only among the rich and the educated. Lastly, yeah, there's an element of love which involves, persistence, patience, and understanding.
Hi Roy, I just wanted to tell that many people actually DO NOT THINK. No body is telling that SDM is a Bad movie. The whole write-up only states the obvious - SDM is a mediocre movie. What makes me think is the fact that 8 Oscars were simply showered on a mediocre movie. Esp when it had movies like 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' as competition.
Why did all Indians forget that the movie 'Gandhi' had won 8 Oscars in 1982?
Would SDM have gotten anything at all if it was not for an English Director?
Was ALL the praises given to the film and the gifts heaped upon the actors truly deserving?
Come on, we people are so so blinded by the 'Englishman and his white skin' - even today !!! We rejected the movie SDM purely because it is mediocre. The American praises it and we change our tunes and give it praise which it is not worthy of - Now, that is completely unfair.
I totally DO NOT believe in awards and prizes - Not worth it - because nothing is judged fairly.
And please do not talk about child / women trafficking and the like - As long as there is market for it - it will go on. Tell me how many many hindi / tamil / malayalam .. etc etc etc movies have been dealing with the same subject - and what have we done? Created awareness? LOL - People LOVE to talk about it and see movies about it - but what do we do about it? Absolutely nothing!
So, please - I agree completely with the write up - SDM is a mediocre movie which does not deserve all the praises heaped up on it. And I do not agree with you that there was anything at all worth being proud of in that movie. Everything is a re-hash of the same old stuff ...
I still do not understand why people are pissed about this movie, and comparing it to bollywood??
Firstly before anyone starts attacking me, I grew up in Bollywood movies also as well as Hollywood. And SM is NOT A BOLLYWOOD FLICK AND NOR IS IT TRYING TO BE.. its simply a British drama.
And how is the plot far-fetched?? LMAOO--Let me tell you something, these over-hyped Bollywood masala flicks are far-fetched. There plots are soo stupid and make no sense, I'm not surpised bollywood isnt taken seriously. I do admit though movies like taare zameen par and rang de basanti were great and it should have won in the foreign film category. But it didnt, and ppl shouldnt be attacking SM or Danny Boyle for that. Ppl only hate it cuz Danny Boyle is British, if he was Indian-noone would be biching abt it. Bottom line is, all these things that happened in SM are true facts that happen in poverty. poor kids like them have to struggle to survive and if it happnes to be about gangs or prostitution, its clearly the truth. Yes India has made progress, but we can't hide from the fact theres still poverty there.
and to answer some of your questions--Jamal didnt WIN YET so thats why Anil was able to have him taken away.
And so what is the problem abt him bein muslim and she bein hindu? that clearly wasnt anything imp.
Its really ANNOYING that so many bollywood movies show hindus AGAINST muslims, and makin muslims to be the bad guy..
SM is NOT wanna-be bollywood, danny boyle clearly just wants to show the world the truth abt what goes on in the slums, while telling a fairy-tale..
Very nice songs and movie ...this is one of the favorite best movies... i like it...
Taare Zameen Par
See , SM was a success for 2 big reasons , Its gripping script and the concept and visualization(Regd. India and its slums ) was very new for the foreign eyes . Hence it was much more appreciated by them then us.
Taare Zameen Par was a movie based up on Dyslexia , there are so many movies made abroad on the same topic .Now it was a success for the same reasons a fresh script and concept and the visualization (Regd. a dyslexic kid overcoming odds with the help of his mentor ) this is really new for the Indian Audiences. Hence it might have have been much more appreciated by us as compared to them.
For people arguing regarding the accent and language i.e is English , used in Slumdog millionaire , It's an English movie made by an English Film Maker just the story is about India . (For Eg. Being Cyrus was an Indian Movie but the language used was around about 80 % English)
For Me , Both the movies are based upon an Underdog Overcoming odds and finding success.
Yes Slumdog is bit overrated but definitely not a medicore or a bad movie , I bet an Indian Film Maker couldn't think of a concept of Slums and Who Wants to be a Millionaire where each and every question defines a parallel story going behind.
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