Birthday Boy Aamir Khan turns 44 years younger today. The defining actor who has excelled in every role, be it that of an actor, producer and director, has donned the mantle of a crusader for social causes in 2009. Aamir Khan will be leading the Earth Hour 2009 campaign for India. As a part of the 'Vote Earth' campaign, everyone will be voluntarily switching off their lights for one hour on on Saturday, March 28, 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time. The symbolic flip of the switch is our way to express solidarity against climate change crisis and global warming.
More than 80 countries and territories including India, have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009. Aamir Khan who is serious about the Vote Earth campaign is forthright in his views,"Climate Change is undoubtedly and regrettably, the biggest immediate long-term environmental challenge we face. A failure to come to sound policy outcomes on climate change will not only have a negative environmental impact but also social and economic consequences for all of us. Stand up and join us in the fight against climate change. Support Earth Hour.”
Let us all take a stand in saving our planet from climatic crisis and global warming. Join Aamir Khan in the Orkut Earth Hour campaign and/or Facebook Earth Hour campaign
Apart from the Earth Hour, Aamir Khan has also associated himself with Times of India Lead India campaign 2009, where he has stressed on the Power of Vote. Aamir Khan who has given voice to the 'I Swear' charter, maintained that the tone of the monologue should be such that it should appear that we are not supporing one person, but the country. As Aamir puts it, "Humein vote dena hai, kisi ka saath nibhane ke liye nahin, balki desh ke liye. We need to vote against everything that is against the welfare of the country". Aamir Khan believes that teachers, IAS officer, police should be paid better so that they take their jobs seriously and do not resort to corruption.
Aamir Khan is also the brand ambassador of the Incredible India campaign, where he endorses the tourism industry of India. He sensitizes people against spilling of garbage and defacing of graffiti at tourist sites, and promotes peaceful and tolerant behaviour towards tourists in his endorsements and ads.
Aamir Khan also lead the Teach India campaign in 2008, where he volunteered to teach kids of Class IV and V, twice a week.
The new Vote Earth 2009 global website has launched. There is an element on the site that incorporates Google’s Friend Connect and we want to get 1 billion people on the site by November 2009, just before Copenhagen.
To get involved, all you need to do is:
1. Go to the site -
2. Register with Friend Connect
3. Send to a friend and get more people to sign up.
It would be great if you could help getting more people involved. Thanks for your help.
Get involved and VOTE EARTH!
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