Akshay Kumar's unbutton act has been termed by some obscene exposure in the Lakme Fashion Week. While walking the ramp, he moved towards his wife Twinkle Khanna sitting in the front row and asked her to unbutton him. The shy lady blushed and was feeling embarrassed. Our Khiladi boy took her hand and made her do the unbuttoning. Finding nothin wrong in the act, Akshay quipped,"There is nothing wrong in it. Everybody unbuttons himself or gets unbuttoned by someone. What's the big deal about it? I think it's a very small act. You just have to come here at the ramp and walk. You all can do this act."
Now, let us look at other small acts of love, the Khiladi does with sincerity (in his films, please note)
Now, let us look at other small acts of love, the Khiladi does with sincerity (in his films, please note)
Akshay Kumar is your bum chum. He will always be 'behind' you
He looks into your heart and feels what you are going through
He likes to give lip service only if you need it.
He keeps you abreast of things ahead..
He makes you feel comfortable even at nights
Akshay likes to play the 'Phool' at times
But that's not all:Akshay Kumar is serious about giving back to back hits
Sometimes, the khiladi is tired too, and he needs some rest
Let's feliciate the Khiladi for his contribution to womanhood
The next day, Akshay is back again, showering you with love and kisses
Rare hot collections but unbuttening wasn't a fair idea.
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