A R Murugadoss had gone into a shell quitely preparing for his next, after the mega money spinner Ghajini. Ready with a full-bound script, he approached Akshay Kumar who is more than happy to act in the film. It is believed that Akshay Kumar's buddy and business partner cum movie producer, Vipul Shah will produce the film.
Vipul Shah is producing the Hindi version of Telugu movie 'Kakha Kakha' with John Abraham, and after that he will center all his attention on the ambitious project that may have action scenes that are worth Rs. 25 crores!
Akshay Kumar is hoping that there is big-time action in the film with the blood curdling violence of Ghajini toned down this time. The shy little master of a director says, “Yes, my screenplay for the film with Akshay is an original. Like Ghajini it is basically a love story with a strong action base.”
The movie's shooting will be in the first week of January 2011 and mostly Asin will play the lead actress. Says Murugadoss, “We haven’t really decided on Akshay’s co-star. But yes, Asin is a strong contender.”
Murgadoss also has another project with Shah Rukh Khan that he will concentrate on after King Khan wraps up Ra.One.
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