Amitabh Bachchan, has persuaded both Aamir Khan and Mohanlal to join Twitter. It is a measure of his immense popularity that the 3 Idiots star, whose first tweet from his handle aamir_khan reads 'Testing. Aamir.', has already acquired 29,166 followers in the space of nine hours.
Filmmaker Karan Johar was one of the first to welcome the actor to the community and tweeted "@aamir_khan on twitterverse people!!!". Amitabh Bachchan, who reportedly convinced Aamir to take the plunge, was also quick to extend greetings. "You have been tried and tested! Welcome, and thank you for agreeing to twitter! Now handle it brother! There will be MADNESS!!" read Big B's tweet.
Aamir has in fact joined the Twitter community a day earlier than expected. "Aamir will be on Twitter from July 1. He was not on Twitter till now because he thought he won't be able to give enough time to it. But since Mr.Bachchan insisted on him joining it, he gave it another thought and has decided to join it. He cannot say no to Mr.Bachchan," a source close to the actor was quoted as saying.
Aamir met Amitabh and his actress-politician wife Jaya over a casual dinner in London some time back and Amitabh started persuading him to join the site. He even taught him how to send Tweets through his phone.
Having made a late entry, it remains to be seen if and when Aamir overtakes Twitter veterans like Amitabh and Shah Rukh who have 207,690 and 484,464 followers respectively.
One of the finest actors in Indian cinema Mohanlal, the living legend and superstar of Malayalam cinema is now on Twitter. His id -@Lal_Mohanlal. It was Amitabh Bachchan who had persuaded Mohanlal to join Twitter. Amitabh had tweeted that after requesting Aamir Khan to join Twitter, he would persuade Mohanlal to join the bandwagon. Big B who was shooting with Mohanlal in Ooty was able to convince the star to join the social networking site. Today morning Bachchan tweeted that Lal has joined and he is also impressed with the Malayalam superstar’s blog which is hand written by the actor.
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