Raj Kumar Hirani, easily the best director of India has stated that the next movie that he will make is the third installment of the Munnabhai series,and not 300 Gods as was speculated by certain sections of the media.
Raju says, “We have 33 crore Gods . Why would I choose 300 of those? Unless of course, people think that in three hours I can only accommodate 300. Anyway the important issue here is that I will be making a movie on religion. But media reports saying it deals with 300 Gods is wrong. My writer Abhijat Joshi is here. And we have just got a fix on the idea. The script itself is still to be written. I’m also writing Munnabhai.’’
Raju who has made 3 Idiots, the highest earning movie ever in Bollywood says that he treats every film of his as his first film. He says, "Just because I have three good films behind me, it doesn’t make me all-powerful. I have to still strive to give my best to whatever I undertake. A filmmaker is only as good as his last film.’’
Though the media is going gung-ho talking about Raju casting Shah Rukh Khan or Aamir Khan, Raju says, "I have worked with the best — Aamir. However, I can’t say who the leading man in my next film is unless I have a ready script. I don’t write films keeping an actor in mind. It goes the other way around.’’
The 3 Idiots director believes that Bollywood is going through the best phase. “While ten years ago we only made love stories with the song-dance fix, now we have makers like Vishal Bhardwaj, Anurag Kashyap and Imtiaz Ali doing different work. Each has his own style and strength. And Hindi cinema is certainly poised for a great take-off.’’ And finally is the world really his oyster? “Yes it is... but I can’t eat it all as the phrase says. I must still be content with eating only a small morsel. In other words, I will continue to make one film in two years. If I get greedy, I will fall flat on my face.’’
with inputs from Times of India
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