Deepika Padukone's best performance is in Lafangey Parindey. This girl is improving from strength to strength as an actor and Lafangey Parindey had her performing the role of Pinky Palhar like a seasoned performer. In some of her movies, people thought that she was just being lucky but two movies, Karthik Calling Karthik and Lafangey Parindey have changed all of that.
Deepika Padukone who plays a middle-class Marathi girl with a 'bindaas spunk' has given a performance that is going to win her a lot of fans. Compared to most girls in Bollywood, she does not look. There are some girls whom you want in your bedroom and there are some you want to take home to mama but Deepika Padukone has the appeal of a girl who is intelligent, independent but at the same time, warm and someone who can give you good advice. This is what she does in LP.. Deepika Padukone-the quintessential girlfriend, that's the way we would describe her.
This girl is improving from strength to strength as an actor and Lafangey Parindey had her performing the role of Pinky Palhar like a seasoned performer. For More about deepika and more celebs plz visit
rising superstar of bollywood.
ur daymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fine
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