With Dabangg’s superhit status, Salman Khan may well be Number 1 Bollywood actor now. In the school children type competition between Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar it looks like a 4th ranker has come 1st in the class. Of course, all of them say ‘Number One’ positions do not matter to them, but they do to a lot of Bollywood fans, and which Bollywood actor secretly does not relish the number one status?
Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan has the best marketing brains and they are very well versed in using their marketing machinery and people skills in creating the right promotional resonance for their films. Salman Khan on the other hand, has been pretty chilled out to the extent of being callous, but with two block-busters, Wanted in 2009 and Dabangg in 2010, he is taking himself seriously. It seems that Sallu has hired a marketing agency who will be doing the PR for him and positioning him better as a brand. Brand Salman Khan is here folks!!
salman khan best actor of 2011....
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