Anyway, Yash Raj will be coming up with three new movies, all of them will be costly affairs. Dhoom 3 still has director Vijay Krishna Acharya who gifted Yash Raj, a super flop, Tashan. But YRF has no problems continuing with him for a reason. The director has brushed up his directorial skills by working as assistant director under Mani Ratnam in Raavan. Sanjay Gadhvi who directed Dhoom 1 and Dhoom 2 will not be doing Dhoom 3 as his three film contract with Yash Raj has ended. Sanjay's last film Kidnap (not produced by YRF) bombed badly at the box office,
Apart from Vijay Krishna Acharya directed Dhoom 3, YRF will use Kabir Khan for what is supposed to be the most expensive Yash Raj film ever. Finally, good ol' Yash Chopra, the big romantic daddy will make a love story possibly with the trump card Shahrukh Khan. There are reports that Aamir Khan will play villain in Dhoom 3. Let's wait and watch
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