The pictures of Sakshi Tanwar’s hot kissing scene with Ram Kapoor in Bade Acchey Lagtey Hain is now going viral on the Internet. It is being looked upon as Indian television getting bolder. Our soap opera scene which looked relegated to the stone age took a turn with some heavy duty hot scenes between Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar on Monday March 12, 2012. The episode was seen by millions and has been rocking the TRPs.
Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar have their honeymoon in that episode, and the couple are shown making love with a mushy Bollywood track from the movie Khamoshi (Baahon ke Darmiyan). The hot scene between Sakshi Tanwar and Ram Kapoor lasted nearly half an hour. Well not exactly the love making part, but a fair part about the episode was about getting intimate and the kiss with steamy romance in tow. Soon enough, Bade Acche Lagte Hain began trending online big time.
“We wanted to be true to the story. We made sure the scene was tastefully shot,” says producer Ekta Kapoor. Apart from this, there have been a few other serials which have been bold but they have not got the collective popularity which Bade Acchey Lagtey Hain has got, which is a big hit with the female population.
Viewers are also enjoying the change, and no one’s complaining. “We received just two-three complaints, but nothing significant,” says Naresh Chahal, secretary, Broadcasting Content Complaints Council, Indian Broadcasting Foundation. Incidentally the funny part is when Sunny Leone was in Bigg Boss, there was a lot of controversy even though the show did not have any form of intimacy but Sakshi Tanwar Ram Kapoor scene has been well received.
Bade Acche Laggte Hain is the story of two strangers getting married and falling in love. Priya is in her 30s while Ram Kapoor is a rich man in his early 40s, who thinks he has missed out on marriage. Priya a happy go lucky woman, in her early 30s also feels that she will not be married ever. They bump into each othe through a minor car accident. After a series of misccomuncation and misunderstandings, destiny brings them close till both Ram and Priya get married.
she is really hot
Saakshi tanwar
kahan dekhu ye scene me ne b daikhna hai......
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