Women oriented cinema in Bollywood is surely rocking the box-office. Vidya Balan has empowered Bollywood with two big hits- The Dirty Picture and Kahaani. Kareena Kapoor will star in Heroine, the ambitious Madhur Bhandarkar project this year. All the top actresses are making a bee-line for woman-centric movies where they can get a meaty role and who better, than Madhur Bhandarkar who has always made these movies successfully.
There is news that UTV and Madhur Bhandarkar is joining hands once again to make Fashion 2, sequel to Fashion, Priyanka Chopra’s best movie till date. The actress says, ‘I am not really aware about any sequel but if it does happen, then why not? I’d love to be a part of the sequel. “
Priyanka Chopra adds, “I completely agree that the trend of women centric movies in Bollywood started with Fashion. Now there are so many women centric movies on the subject, this is actually the best phase to be in Bollywood. Today I am getting more woman centric films. “Apart from Fashion, Priyanka Chopra also has done Saath Khoon Maaf, a woman-centric movie that did not work too well.
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