The brilliantly conceived character of Bob Biswas played by Saswata Chatterjee in Kahani has become quite popular online. There is a dedicated Facebook page on Bob Biswas too. The director Sujoy Ghosh says, "Bob Biswas has most definitely exceeded the popularity of Kahaani. Poor Saswata has lost his identity. He is addressed as Bob wherever he goes."
The director of Kahaani adds, , "Audiences have adopted Bob. I get suggestions on how to take his character forward from youngsters on the Internet. Bob isn't your suave, gun-toting, cool killer. He is an overweight job holder. We didn't give Bob a family life. But he probably goes back to a family after killing. He probably needs a second income to support his family. That's why he does the killings. I don't know... These are the details that need to be fleshed out. And we're working on it."
Ghosh adds that the idea of a TV serial on Bob Biswas character is being worked on. Saswata Chatterjee says, "The only problem with a TV serial is you never know where it will go. Suppose they decide to make Bob a pathosladen victim of circumstances, who goes home to his ailing mother after the killings, it would be rather sad for the character. I'd like Bob to be taken further only if the content justifies his renewal."
The actor son of noted Bengali actor Subhendu Chatterjee says "I've spent my entire life in Kolkata. My nineyear-old daughter Hiya studies here. My wife Mohua is a teacher. I can't wrench them out of their environment. But I can easily travel between Kolkata and Mumbai." He reveals that his daughter Hiya who is constantly being badgered by her friends for autograph, hasn’t still seen Kahaani. She'd be shocked to see me killing people. I'll show it to her when she's older," says Bob.
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