Shah Rukh has shot back at MCA officials and said that they manhandled kids. "KKR is the team with most sportsman spirit. Whether we win or lose, we always congratulate the other team. It's very easy to take on a celebrity and say whatever you want to. They should look at themselves and think how they would behave. I just went to pick up my children on the field. People were rushing at me. About 40 people rushed at us. The MCA officials were abrasive, rude; I cannot repeat the things they said," points out Shah Rukh.
Shah Rukh says the organisers should apologise. "I have no clarification to give, he tells reporters. "They (MCA) cannot, every time, under the guise of self-imposed security rules, manhandle children. You cannot physically manhandle kids. I had gone there to pick up my kids."
A reporter asks him whether he will apologise: SRK replies, "Why should I apologise to them, they should apologise them. I have a huge sportsman spirit, to be abusive to fans is not me."
"The guards should apologise to me. MCA officials were abrasive."
On the Wankhede ban, SRK said confidently, " I am not worried about the ban, I really don't care. It makes no difference to my life.
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